
Changing personal behaviors thanks to this sub!

Bossman texted me on my day off asking if I could come in for the Night Shift to cover someone else’s shift. As I was pondering wether or not I should go he called me and I begrudgingly answered. He gave me the whole routine “we’re understaffed tonight” yada yada “it’d be great if u came in” yada yada ”I’d come in except it’s my day off” HOLUP, did I hear that right? Jackass clearly understands the concept of the sanctity of the day off but expects me to drop everything to go in and run his restaurant for him? The AUDACITY of this “man”.. anyways instead of giving him some excuse I simply let him know – It’s not gonna happen. If I hadn’t stumbled onto this sub a while back I wouldn’t have quit my shitty job to work this other, newer so the novelty outweighs the shittyness…

Bossman texted me on my day off asking if I could come in for the Night Shift to cover someone else’s shift. As I was pondering wether or not I should go he called me and I begrudgingly answered. He gave me the whole routine “we’re understaffed tonight” yada yada “it’d be great if u came in” yada yada ”I’d come in except it’s my day off” HOLUP, did I hear that right? Jackass clearly understands the concept of the sanctity of the day off but expects me to drop everything to go in and run his restaurant for him? The AUDACITY of this “man”..
anyways instead of giving him some excuse I simply let him know – It’s not gonna happen.

If I hadn’t stumbled onto this sub a while back I wouldn’t have quit my shitty job to work this other, newer so the novelty outweighs the shittyness of the job, job.

We’re currently understaffed and shit needs to get done so I’ll be asking bossman for more hours and higher pay with a fixed schedule. Failing that I’ma just slowly break away from this job to find a better one because there’s plenty out there.
Shouts out to my people in the service industry!

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