
Cheap Tips and Low Pay

My kid works PT at a local home & garden supply store for a smidge above minimum wage – just typical clerking and restock duties. Helping customers load their purchases is an optional activity for employees, not expected…but I have a polite kid. Sometimes customers tip, usually not. Last wknd they had a big sale on large bags of topsoil and mulch – my kid loaded arnd 200 – 25 lb. bags into various cars and trucks. Out of many, many customers ONE person tipped a whopping $2 (one who bought 20 bags). The area of the store is fairly affluent … it’s not like they can’t afford to tip. Really pisses me off … people are such jerks. Young & able doesn’t mean at everyone’s disposal… this is one of many reasons for this movement. Any ideas for getting them to tip and tip adequately? This is a first…

My kid works PT at a local home & garden supply store for a smidge above minimum wage – just typical clerking and restock duties. Helping customers load their purchases is an optional activity for employees, not expected…but I have a polite kid. Sometimes customers tip, usually not. Last wknd they had a big sale on large bags of topsoil and mulch – my kid loaded arnd 200 – 25 lb. bags into various cars and trucks. Out of many, many customers ONE person tipped a whopping $2 (one who bought 20 bags). The area of the store is fairly affluent … it’s not like they can’t afford to tip. Really pisses me off … people are such jerks. Young & able doesn’t mean at everyone’s disposal… this is one of many reasons for this movement. Any ideas for getting them to tip and tip adequately? This is a first “real job”… for the kid so we are all ears.

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