
Cheated out of a promotion?

So, earlier this year, I was interviewed for a promotion at work – a big one! I got the job. I was set to be transferred into the office as opposed to  doing warehouse work and I was projected to be making an extra $5+/hr once my training for the new position was completed. For the first few weeks after my interview, I was starting my training. Due to demand and the need for me to be there a supervisor (Tiffany) insisted my training only be one hour a day until everyone was caught up with their work. I was fine with that. I like(d) my job and I enjoyed helping. Well, now it's been 6 months. Tiffany will not even allow me to complete my training for the new job (as in- I don't have the clearance to train at all because she “needs” my help). The other employees…

So, earlier this year, I was interviewed for a promotion at work – a big one! I got the job. I was set to be transferred into the office as opposed to  doing warehouse work and I was projected to be making an extra $5+/hr once my training for the new position was completed. For the first few weeks after my interview, I was starting my training. Due to demand and the need for me to be there a supervisor (Tiffany) insisted my training only be one hour a day until everyone was caught up with their work. I was fine with that. I like(d) my job and I enjoyed helping.

Well, now it's been 6 months. Tiffany will not even allow me to complete my training for the new job (as in- I don't have the clearance to train at all because she “needs” my help). The other employees are fully caught up with their work, and there is absolutely no reason for this. I've voiced my concerns to HR, and to no surprise the HR rep takes up for Tiffany, saying that she's got a lot on her plate and I should feel “honored” that she needs me so much. (????!?) My fiance has told me that this is illegal as I've signed the paperwork for my promotion and was told I would be moved in a month at the latest, and he has been urging me to see what my legal options are.

The icing on the cake, really is the fact that I am now cross trained for 5 positions in the workplace, and I found out by looking at our companies openings that I literally make the same as the new people starting out.

I've told my manager all of this, and she constantly reiterates to me that she wants to do something about Tiffany as she clearly has no idea what shes doing and is ultimately detrimental to the entire company, but I've been waiting. And waiting. Nothing seems to  be happening, so I've been looking for a new job. People dont stick around at this company for very long, and I'm not surprised to see why anymore. Fuck Tiffany.

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