
Check Your employment contract and Job description before your job screws you over

This is an ongoing matter currently and its pissing us off to be honest. We have colleagues who have resigned and the ones that cant literally cant do it since they have family and kids. This all occurred because during the pandemic years when a lot of us were given “Unpaid Leave” a majority of us found other jobs and business opportunities while some of us who had our side businesses or hustles dedicated more time to them. It was a hectic time period and most of us were resigned to the fact that we were indirectly fired. We resumed work late November 2021 although some had gotten other jobs so they officially tendered their resignations. We have a huge shortage but as every story in this sub goes, the higher ups did not want to hire people asked us to fill in the roles of our colleagues who resigned…

This is an ongoing matter currently and its pissing us off to be honest. We have colleagues who have resigned and the ones that cant literally cant do it since they have family and kids.

This all occurred because during the pandemic years when a lot of us were given “Unpaid Leave” a majority of us found other jobs and business opportunities while some of us who had our side businesses or hustles dedicated more time to them. It was a hectic time period and most of us were resigned to the fact that we were indirectly fired.

We resumed work late November 2021 although some had gotten other jobs so they officially tendered their resignations. We have a huge shortage but as every story in this sub goes, the higher ups did not want to hire people asked us to fill in the roles of our colleagues who resigned citing the pandemic “losses”.

Last month, those of us who had been delegated managerial roles went to the HR and questioned them on timelines of hiring new staff and all of the additional pay for standing in the positions for everyone top to bottom as promised. They have been quiet this whole time with any form of enquiry being met with the usual “Your query will be dealt with soon”.

Que today, we receive a notice to attend a meeting. During the meeting were treated to the crap that were “heroes” and that they admire our “sacrifice”. Then the biggest letdown in history, were informed that as per our contracts under Job Description, it states that we “May be assigned any other jobs as may be required” and thus we will receive no additional pay but they will give us shopping vouchers for our “courage and tenacity”. If they had been smart they should have run away after that announcement. We were mad, but our friends were so livid, they began throwing anything that wasn't nailed to the ground at the management team who left running. Many people have resigned and quit and others have left and just gone home.

It is a shit show and quite frankly a cop out but since it was in the contract they can literally get away with it. Our union guys will be talking to them tomorrow but am sure this place will be empty so they'll have nothing but chairs to address. I feel bad for the colleagues who have kids since they may still be tied down to this place if no agreement is reached and many other people leave.

Sorry for the rant. Please go and confirm what's in your employment contract or upper management may screw you over and get away with it.

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