
Chef lectured me for almost two hours

From point A to B to C and back to A. It's never ending. Firstly, he told me I'm problematic as I fainted not once but twice during work. I admit I'm a weak ass bitch but hey, I didn't ask for it. One time I had an accident, a car knocked me down on my bike. I took MC, took a picture of it and sent it to him telling him I can't come to work due to injury from that accident. I didn't let him know in great detail but I posted about it on my social account and I guess my colleagues saw it and decided to report it to the chef. Then just now when he's lecturing me, he told me I should've told him the details of the accident and not through my colleagues. Wtf dude. They're the one who stumbled upon my post, I…

From point A to B to C and back to A. It's never ending. Firstly, he told me I'm problematic as I fainted not once but twice during work. I admit I'm a weak ass bitch but hey, I didn't ask for it.

One time I had an accident, a car knocked me down on my bike. I took MC, took a picture of it and sent it to him telling him I can't come to work due to injury from that accident. I didn't let him know in great detail but I posted about it on my social account and I guess my colleagues saw it and decided to report it to the chef. Then just now when he's lecturing me, he told me I should've told him the details of the accident and not through my colleagues. Wtf dude. They're the one who stumbled upon my post, I didn't even tell them in a private message.

Also, I was making something and the result isn't good. He knew about it. So, I tried to fix it. After fixing it, I took a video and sent it to him because he's not around. Then he told me although it's fixed, the texture won't be the same. Thus, unusable. My man, can't you just use it on something else? Would you rather I let it sit there and rot?

He also criticized me for being quiet. I admit I don't talk much and that's because 1) I don't really know what to talk about with my colleagues, 2) I have things to do, 3) I can't really do my work if I talk. Mind you, I would ask my superior questions regarding the tasks I'm doing if I'm facing some problems with it.

Tough week. I did not enjoy my time working there, and it's only been 2 months! One family my ass. I'm handing in my resignation letter tomorrow. Clearly I'm not a suitable candidate for that position.

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