[I don't mean to rant, but…]
I've finally had time to calm myself over the whole situation. I started at a private machining company over a year ago, and I do tool and die grinding [this trade is currently experience a shortage of workers and an age gap (especially with grinders)]. This shop has around 50 to 70 people, about a 25% of them are due to retire in the next 10 years. We get pretty crazy parts at this company, I have to set up all my parts on machines, hold .0001+ tolerances, and maintain a working relationship those around me.
I do consider myself a pretty good tool maker (over 5 years in the trade), still actively apply myself each day, ask important questions about parts, machining methods, and other generally “good questions”. Most coworkers at this company are very respectful and we do get along very well, they think I'm also on a pretty good track.
Unfortunately, there are a couple of miserable a-holes at this company, and I was lucky enough to be placed under the supervision of one of the worse ones. This supervisor (we'll call him joe) runs 2 machines no one else in the company can run [giant cnc radial grinder and cnc od/id grinder (for those in the trade)], so he has pretty good job security. Joe has close ties with upper management and basically can do whatever he wants (everyone in the company despises this). Joe has also had a history of chasing people out of the company because nobody can work with his nasty attitude, daily [we just lost a great worker this week in my department directly because of him (she got her tools in the afternoon and left a note asking not to be contacted)].
Joe likes to blow up and get pissed over the unnecessary situations, and sometimes he likes trying to find stuff to just be upset over. Again people at this company are fully aware of this and can't do anything about it. Even better, Joe is the supervisor that will go tell his buddies that you messed up before you even are aware that you are doing something wrong, definitely goes behind people's backs and just says the most f'd up things about them. Again, several people have quit because of this person and they can't do anything about it because there are not that many tool makers out there, yet alone ones that know how to run the machines he runs. After the walk out this week, one of Joe's buddies came up to me and “jokenly” asked me when I'm going to be next.
I do my best to brush the things these guys do off, I even ignore them at this point the majority of the time, but it's sad that the guy in his early 20's conducts himself more respectfully and professionally than 40-60 year old men, especially at the level they are at.
After working this morning (5 hours on a Saturday morning for 55 hours for the week) I went about my business, about 2 hours in I made a mistake on one of my parts (smaller part, was milled undersized and I happen to clean up the face taking it under the tolerance). This lead to me getting chewed out followed up by Joe jumping back and forth to my machine to criticize every move and set up I did for the next 3 hours. Once the shift was over, and now that I also had time to settle down and think things out, I'm getting my resume together.
There is so much other drama and bs going on with this situation, most of it's not even worth talking about, but it's very conflicting because I do enjoy the company and most the people there. I'm not really looking to be moved to another department in the company for a couple reasons: there is only 1 grinding room (joe is the supervisor), grinding/tool making is the trade I chose to pursue especially since you make good money from it, and I am already (going to be) blacklisted by upper management (with their close ties to joe)
They can call me another “sensitive millenial” or a “snowflake” or use whatever classic boomer excuse for their shitty behavior, but I'm planning on sitting down with HR Monday with my updated resume to get this figured out. I am confident I will have another job by the end of the week if things go south, but I am over working with this miserable old man.
There is never a good excuse to treat the people you work with like shit, ESPECIALLY if you are in a supervisor position. Respect is a two way street and no one owes you it.
Fuck around and find out