
Chinese Youth are feeling the pain, too

This article just popped up on my news feed and I thought it might find a useful home here. Any Chinese people on this forum who can give an opinion about how likely this is to 'take off' in China? I have to say that I am heartened to understand that the youth of China are finding their way in understanding that life is too short to end up collapsing on a factory floor. (source: read the article). Reddit discussion: go.

This article just popped up on my news feed and I thought it might find a useful home here. Any Chinese people on this forum who can give an opinion about how likely this is to 'take off' in China? I have to say that I am heartened to understand that the youth of China are finding their way in understanding that life is too short to end up collapsing on a factory floor. (source: read the article). Reddit discussion: go.

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