
Christ’s message has been co-opted

What does Jesus mean by calling us to give up all our possessions? We are to not identify with worldly things; we become eternal Spirit over temporary flesh. The old order, based on conflicts over resources, is falling away. Christ calls us to base our relationships with each other on love and service, not exploitation. (One Hindu Guru has also said to become enlightened, one must serve and feed people.) Can you imagine a society where we do not own possessions? Would this be Utopia (Heaven on Earth)? Is this kind of love, a love that expands the circle of family, the path forward to an egalitarian society? We would actually need to care for our neighbors, even with no financial compensation. Christ taught us how to enact God's will here on Earth! We actually are to use our voices and hands to care for each other. Money is arbitrary.…

What does Jesus mean by calling us to give up all our possessions? We are to not identify with worldly things; we become eternal Spirit over temporary flesh.

The old order, based on conflicts over resources, is falling away. Christ calls us to base our relationships with each other on love and service, not exploitation. (One Hindu Guru has also said to become enlightened, one must serve and feed people.)

Can you imagine a society where we do not own possessions? Would this be Utopia (Heaven on Earth)? Is this kind of love, a love that expands the circle of family, the path forward to an egalitarian society? We would actually need to care for our neighbors, even with no financial compensation. Christ taught us how to enact God's will here on Earth! We actually are to use our voices and hands to care for each other.

Money is arbitrary. If we can accomplish something when paid to do it, we can accomplish it with a loving Spirit! Service would be intrinsically motivated and not based on external (monitary) rewards.

How would our world change if each person had the same access to basic necessities? #UBI

Do we need to first implement a Universal Basic Income, and then abolish money altogether?

I realize all are not followers of Christ, but I hold that love is a core teaching across cultures. It is obvious that typical religion has supported, rather than challenged, the power structure. Jesus was crucified by those in power due to his radical message of having a direct relationship with God. I hold that a true economy would be based directly on God-given planetary resources, and not some arbitrary power hierarchy.

It would be wonderful if you could, as Joseph Campbell put it, “Follow your bliss” regarding your vocation. (The word 'vocation' relates to God's calling for your life; our current system hardly allows one to blissfully pursue inner talents and interests!)

In my interpretation of the early Biblical story of being cast from the Garden of Eden, we were symbolically separated from our blissful union with God and made to toil. Of course, separation is an illusion.

Realizing Oneness with God is also re-entering the Garden in that we can experience God (divinity) within us at all times, regardless of our situation or daily tasks. From this core of blissful love, we then act in service to others during our lives. And, the Earth can be the new Garden.

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