
Claims To Be A “Health and Wellness” Company, Not For Its Own Employees

If you work at a company that uses a popular health and wellness platform and app as a company perk, chances are it's the one I am talking about in this review. This platform allows you to connect your fitness device to the platform to track steps, join steps challenges, track mindful moments to yourself, track your biometrics, etc in an attempt to improve your personal health and wellness. Chances are also likely that your own company is/ has been disappointed in this platform and their services with reports and other promised deliverables either being being late and/or incorrect. Here's a deeper look behind what happens at this company that supposedly values health and wellness for its clients, but definitely not for its own employees: – The current CEO (who joined about 9 months ago) and leadership team only care about profiting for themselves. Most recent merit increases were between…

If you work at a company that uses a popular health and wellness platform and app as a company perk, chances are it's the one I am talking about in this review. This platform allows you to connect your fitness device to the platform to track steps, join steps challenges, track mindful moments to yourself, track your biometrics, etc in an attempt to improve your personal health and wellness.

Chances are also likely that your own company is/ has been disappointed in this platform and their services with reports and other promised deliverables either being being late and/or incorrect. Here's a deeper look behind what happens at this company that supposedly values health and wellness for its clients, but definitely not for its own employees:

– The current CEO (who joined about 9 months ago) and leadership team only care about profiting for themselves. Most recent merit increases were between 1% and 3.5%, during a year when due to inflation rates, even the federal government paid its workers at least 4%.

– 100 employees were laid off right before bonuses and merit increases were distributed. Client success experienced a heavy layoff, resulting in those remaining to also do the work of the sales team. Engineers are expected to not only develop, but also QA all of their team's work (seriously – how have so many companies not learned that having devoted QA teams that provide thorough QA are essential to company success? Boeing should be a shining example of this). I have heard rumors of more layoffs happening soon, which shocks me since so many people are leaving voluntarily right now to find better jobs for their salary and mental health.

– The CEO runs the company like a pyramid scheme using language like, “we'll only be successful if everybody is prioritizing the company's success! We're a family! We only win when everyone gives 100%”Translation: “We are burn and churn work environment. Do more with less. Please and thank you.”

– Bonuses were cut 50%. There was a slide shown during a town hall meeting attempting to explain why, but it was intentionally confusing and honestly no one knows why they were cut. Transparency is not something that exists at this company. Even lower level managers know this to be true and admit their frustration about it to their workers.

– There is no room to grow at this company in terms of promotions if you are not willing to work at least 10 hours a day. Promotions don't lead to good pay increases either, just more “shout outs” in thank you emails from your managers.

Does your company use this platform as a perk for you and your employees? If so, I'd implore you to ask your managers to drop this company and not renew with them, especially since they are already a quickly sinking ship. The CEO and the rest of the C-Suite do not deserve any more spare change for their already deep pockets after what they've done to what used to be a great company to work for.

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