
Clocking out and walking out

So tonight at work another coworker and I were scheduled to leave at 10. We got our rolls closed and because our labor % was high our manager was rushing to get us off the clock. I clocked out and grabbed my stuff, but my coworker asked me to do something. I said no, I’m off the clock, and she said she was too, but was still working. I left and she stayed. In our state, it’s illegal for non salaried workers to work off the clock, so I was within my right to leave, but I’m worried about any repercussions (reduced hours, reduced pay, etc.) this could have. How should I prepare in case the manager or gm confronts me? I figured asking here was the best idea since this subreddit is very pro worker rights

So tonight at work another coworker and I were scheduled to leave at 10. We got our rolls closed and because our labor % was high our manager was rushing to get us off the clock. I clocked out and grabbed my stuff, but my coworker asked me to do something. I said no, I’m off the clock, and she said she was too, but was still working. I left and she stayed. In our state, it’s illegal for non salaried workers to work off the clock, so I was within my right to leave, but I’m worried about any repercussions (reduced hours, reduced pay, etc.) this could have. How should I prepare in case the manager or gm confronts me?

I figured asking here was the best idea since this subreddit is very pro worker rights

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