
Closing thoughts on my IT career as I approach college in 2 weeks

Hey everybody so in 2016 I went to IT college where I met 2 of my best buddies and got a general overview of IT my course was called information technology systems administrator. The course was fun but trouble began when I got my 1st IT job. My day began at 8 AM Where from start to finish At 5 PM I was on the phone remotely fixing people's computers in a cubicle. I think we covered about 40,000 users and I was the Frontline guy so there was never a lull in calls. It was the most mentally exhausting job I've ever had. On top of the Constant calls I had to track every minute of the day What I was doing and submitted to my boss for review. I became a tech serf. I managed to do that job for 2 years Until my health started failing and…

Hey everybody so in 2016 I went to IT college where I met 2 of my best buddies and got a general overview of IT my course was called information technology systems administrator. The course was fun but trouble began when I got my 1st IT job.

My day began at 8 AM Where from start to finish At 5 PM I was on the phone remotely fixing people's computers in a cubicle. I think we covered about 40,000 users and I was the Frontline guy so there was never a lull in calls. It was the most mentally exhausting job I've ever had. On top of the Constant calls I had to track every minute of the day What I was doing and submitted to my boss for review. I became a tech serf. I managed to do that job for 2 years Until my health started failing and they laid me off. I realized how much I disliked the job in this time and the hope inside me died.

My next IT job Was in a smaller town It wasn't as busy but I still needed to report every minute what I was doing But this job came with unique Challenge of a douchebag boss. I was on salary and almost every day I was having to stay late without compensation an hour and he basically had me thanking him that he didn't tell me to stay later. I did that job for a year before my contract ended.

After that I worked with a school board for a 6 month contract Where I needed to continue reporting every day every minute what I was doing but the unique challenge of this place this place is that there's nothing to do really so I needed to fluff the tickets like everyone else was doing. I'd ask for work and they would tell me to figure something out so there was a constant anxiety of trying to find something to put on my tickets to show im doing something. The job was OK but the lack of doing anything substantial Was pretty hard on my mental I started feeling like I was just wasting my time every day and it felt awful.

And there you have it 4 years of IT work aftwr I graduated college Where I realized this job is a fucking waste of time this job makes me feel like dying It makes me feel like I am dying just sitting there And now in 2 weeks I start college in my Passion and the hope in me has been revived Don't settle for shitty work And a life of what feels like torture make a change!

TL;DR: Stay away from I.T. the job sucks balls follow your passions and your dreams to the best of your ability!

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