
Co-worker bit by a dog at work and company is ignoring filing paperwork for workers comp

So If need be I’ll gather more info, as this is my girlfriend’s co-worker. But this is far as my knowledge goes as of typing this post. My girlfriend works at an assisted living center for elderly (don’t even get me started on the shit wages she makes, that’s a whole nother topic. I’m trying to convince her to get her co-workers to go on strike/unionize). The residents there are allowed to have pets in their room. Well, my gfs co-worker was bit by one of the dogs. It was bad and was infected (or something of that degree) and she had to go to urgent care. The company filed the worker’s comp form as she was injured on the job, had to pay the medical bills and lost money from leaving a shift to go to urgent care. I’ll find out if she had to miss any days off…

So If need be I’ll gather more info, as this is my girlfriend’s co-worker. But this is far as my knowledge goes as of typing this post.

My girlfriend works at an assisted living center for elderly (don’t even get me started on the shit wages she makes, that’s a whole nother topic. I’m trying to convince her to get her co-workers to go on strike/unionize). The residents there are allowed to have pets in their room.

Well, my gfs co-worker was bit by one of the dogs. It was bad and was infected (or something of that degree) and she had to go to urgent care.

The company filed the worker’s comp form as she was injured on the job, had to pay the medical bills and lost money from leaving a shift to go to urgent care. I’ll find out if she had to miss any days off work, but let’s say she did.

She was denied workers comp. Why? because apparently the company never submitted the documents of the incident to the proper channels so that this co-worker could get workers comp.

What should this co-worker do at this point? Talk to HR? Lawyer up? I knew immediately to ask this sub what to do.


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