
Co-worker keeps commenting on my appearance…because of my chronic depression. What should I do?

So I work at this retail place, a toy shop. Atm I don't want to name the business just yet. Whenever me and this guy are on the same shift, he keeps making comments about my facial expression. He did it one time, he said ” Jesus, you look very serious today” I just shrugged it off and said it's part of my condition, he backed off with a “Oh sorry”, didn't think much of it at the time. ** I have chronic depression (plus autism, borderline p.d, high anxiety… Won the bingo with these mental health illnesses huh) which I take meds for but unfortunately it gives me a poker face/tired and done with this shit expression, I can't help it. At work, I smile and do my best to look 'bright' but it's not easy all the time. I let managers know of this when they were hiring…

So I work at this retail place, a toy shop. Atm I don't want to name the business just yet. Whenever me and this guy are on the same shift, he keeps making comments about my facial expression.
He did it one time, he said ” Jesus, you look very serious today” I just shrugged it off and said it's part of my condition, he backed off with a “Oh sorry”, didn't think much of it at the time.

** I have chronic depression (plus autism, borderline p.d, high anxiety… Won the bingo with these mental health illnesses huh) which I take meds for but unfortunately it gives me a poker face/tired and done with this shit expression, I can't help it. At work, I smile and do my best to look 'bright' but it's not easy all the time. I let managers know of this when they were hiring me, I have my illnesses/disabilities written in my contract too.**

Another time he rested his weight on my shoulder (I'm a short guy) , like arm on my shoulder while I was talking to customers, kid and mom, reccomending a toy to them. The second I felt his arm on me I jolted away. He looked confused, I said “I don't like touching” to him, he said “Oh okay”. The mom of the child looked at me with an eyebrow raised and back to him when he walked away, it was awkward.

Another time, yet again, when we had a birthday party in store. Kids were sitting on the ground in a circle while we were getting their toys ready for 'em one by one in order. The birthday girl got hers first and she was growling like a dinosaur and flailing around her dino toy, my co-worker pretended to get scared and put both his hands on my shoulders and was 'hiding' behind me. I once again said “Dude, I don't like touching” then just dipped away from him and moved to the other side of the circle. He just shrugged at the kids and looked back to me then went back to interacting with the kids.

I get it, he was trying to entertain the kids, but I clearly told him once, told him again. I'm an engaged guy too which he knows and don't appreciate that.

Then, today in work (19th Aug), when I was clocked out and getting my shit to go home, him and another coworker went to tidy the storage area/staff area that are merged into one space, he once again says “Why do you look so serious again? You okay?”
I hate confrontation, I just bit my tongue and said “Yes I'm fine thank you, again, part of my condition” he goes “Ah OK”.

I'm fed up to be fair, I've had a lot of issues with my previous workplaces relating to my mental health illnesses. (who doesn't lol)
I don't know if I'm just “taking it personally” or if he's constantly testing my boundaries and trying to set me off. He's almost a 30 year old, I'm 25, we're both adults.
I've only worked at this place 2 months so far and A LOT has happened there already.

I don't know if I should just say fuck it and report him to a higher up and or HR or what.

What do you think would be the best way to resolve this? Could anyone recommend me any tips?

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