
co worker smashed finger a year ago and now wants to sue

A co-workers girlfriend started working with us we make hydraulic cylinders from the raw materials. Well last year in January some time she smashed her finger in a hydraulic press, the prognosis wasn't good but she decided to try and save the finger its been about 8 months and she's been on workers compensation and when she could she came back and worked part time hours while collecting partial workers comp. This month she got almost half of her finger amputated due to the injury. Its her right index finger which is her dominant hand. Me and co worker were trying to figure out if she would be able to seek a lawyer at this point now that she wasn't able to save 100% of her finger. So we are just curious if she has any grounds for legal action .

A co-workers girlfriend started working with us we make hydraulic cylinders from the raw materials.

Well last year in January some time she smashed her finger in a hydraulic press, the prognosis wasn't good but she decided to try and save the finger its been about 8 months and she's been on workers compensation and when she could she came back and worked part time hours while collecting partial workers comp.

This month she got almost half of her finger amputated due to the injury. Its her right index finger which is her dominant hand.

Me and co worker were trying to figure out if she would be able to seek a lawyer at this point now that she wasn't able to save 100% of her finger.

So we are just curious if she has any grounds for legal action .

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