
Co worker told me that one of our supervisors said I’m “too happy” and “too positive” when I’m actually trying to be the best version of myself

This is really just a rant, but I have one thing to say and that’s FUCK YOU. I didn’t take this personally when I was first told that a supervisor said this about me. I even laughed and thought it was hilarious because we work at a spa and are supposed to bring a certain energy that will resonate with clients. We obviously want them to feel safe and cared for. The more I thought about what she said he more I realized how much it hurt. I am usually an out going person by nature but I am hanging on by a thread most days because of my depression. I don’t even want to come to work because I barely have the energy to take care of my own self and this bitch has the audacity to say that I’m “too happy” and “too positive”?? WE WORK AT A…

This is really just a rant, but I have one thing to say and that’s FUCK YOU. I didn’t take this personally when I was first told that a supervisor said this about me. I even laughed and thought it was hilarious because we work at a spa and are supposed to bring a certain energy that will resonate with clients. We obviously want them to feel safe and cared for. The more I thought about what she said he more I realized how much it hurt. I am usually an out going person by nature but I am hanging on by a thread most days because of my depression. I don’t even want to come to work because I barely have the energy to take care of my own self and this bitch has the audacity to say that I’m “too happy” and “too positive”?? WE WORK AT A FUCKING SPA. IF THERE WAS EVER A PLACE TO BE HAPPY AND POSITIVE IT SHOULD BE HERE. Jesus Christ. This is why I have zero direction in life. I’m not even trying to pin my sadness on this woman l’s comment but she literally has no idea that while she is making bank giving people borderline erotic massage I’m sitting at the front desk wasting away and contemplating suicide. I’m just trying to put my best foot forward and make it through the day, but she’s too type A to see her way out of her own ass. I swear, fuck the work culture in this fucking gentrified tourist attraction that is Asheville, NC. Okay rant over.

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