
Co worker tried to fight me outside my home at midnight, and he probably still won’t get fired.

TLDR: showed up to “talk it out” aka verbally abuse me and try to fight me and intimidate me, cause I told him to fuck off after he refused to stop verbally abusing me at work. How should I proceed? So to start I didn’t record it, I should have. Throwaway for obvious reasons. But we had a spat today, in a nutshell he wouldn’t get off my case, constantly insulting me, even though I told him three times “i don’t want to get into this with you, we’re both having bad days”, until eventually I told him to fuck off. He squared up and basically told me to say it again, so I did. That set him off and he left in a storm of anger. Then he messages me at midnight, telling me we’re gonna “talk things out”. So I grabbed my coat and went out to meet…

TLDR: showed up to “talk it out” aka verbally abuse me and try to fight me and intimidate me, cause I told him to fuck off after he refused to stop verbally abusing me at work. How should I proceed?

So to start I didn’t record it, I should have. Throwaway for obvious reasons.

But we had a spat today, in a nutshell he wouldn’t get off my case, constantly insulting me, even though I told him three times “i don’t want to get into this with you, we’re both having bad days”, until eventually I told him to fuck off.

He squared up and basically told me to say it again, so I did. That set him off and he left in a storm of anger.

Then he messages me at midnight, telling me we’re gonna “talk things out”. So I grabbed my coat and went out to meet him, where his idea of talking it out was just verbally abusing me and trying to get me to fight him behind a dumpster, twice. (He was clearly out of his mind on god knows what)

I told him I’m not gonna fight him, cause that would cost us our jobs (and we had no witnesses, more concerned about my job than his)

After a bunch more verbal abuse, and him telling me to quit, he tore out of the parking lot.

So I only have the correspondence from Facebook he sent, but can I take this anywhere? HR in my work has been pretty useless in the past, and he has a lot of allies there cause he’s been there for years. He has a reputation for a buncha illegal shit but is still somehow employed here, and I’m more worried about what he would do to my family if I did get him fired.

I’m honestly shocked he went this far, given he has a grandchild, daughter and wife, but I currently can’t find a new job, so I’m looking for ideas on how to proceed.

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