
Coffee breaks and communal lunch

There is a culture of coffee breaks and lunch being taken as a group. I hate my workplace, hate my boss in particular. These people make me miserable. I like the job but the only way I can enjoy it is by avoiding the micromanagers and their toxic attitudes. They suck all the joy out of it. How do I explain/excuse my decision to take working lunches? I feel this would be a less stressful option for me.

There is a culture of coffee breaks and lunch being taken as a group. I hate my workplace, hate my boss in particular. These people make me miserable. I like the job but the only way I can enjoy it is by avoiding the micromanagers and their toxic attitudes. They suck all the joy out of it.

How do I explain/excuse my decision to take working lunches? I feel this would be a less stressful option for me.

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