
Cognative dissonance of modern work culture.

Such dishonesty in our modern work culture. The public face of the corporation is a mash up of social responsiblitiy and a love fest of positivity, propped up by the private human resources face of corporate life of cutting costs in every way that can be masked by the public love-fest marketing bullshit. All over LinkedIn is the fake facebook/instagram-like totally unrealistic happy go lucky false reality of the haves. You celebrate the next woo woo sugar sweet uplifting bullshit post of the company going public with better than expected profits while they layoff loyal employees to prop up thier numbers. No one talks about the people they flush down the toilet while senior managment reap obscene benefits and the average employee barely gets by – let alone has a safe economic future. The executive and investment class sold everything and everyone out for thier own greed.

Such dishonesty in our modern work culture. The public face of the corporation is a mash up of social responsiblitiy and a love fest of positivity, propped up by the private human resources face of corporate life of cutting costs in every way that can be masked by the public love-fest marketing bullshit. All over LinkedIn is the fake facebook/instagram-like totally unrealistic happy go lucky false reality of the haves. You celebrate the next woo woo sugar sweet uplifting bullshit post of the company going public with better than expected profits while they layoff loyal employees to prop up thier numbers. No one talks about the people they flush down the toilet while senior managment reap obscene benefits and the average employee barely gets by – let alone has a safe economic future. The executive and investment class sold everything and everyone out for thier own greed.

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