
Cold shoulder at work

Got to get this off my chest, I've learned today from my supervisor that my name is coming in conversations and things are being thrown out there which is making many of my coworkers giving me the cold shoulder. Initially I was having a conversation with a co-worker about indigenous people and the way they are treated in Canada. During the conversation I asked “why does the Canadian government give out money to indigenous people up north?” My question was in fact genuine and was never too insult or be “racist” but to actually learn and have a deep conversation about the issue. Well apparently, my question bothered people in the workplace and it was viewed as an insult. I am being gossip on how I am a far right radical, I am anti indigenous, I am racist…ect I am angry that someone would take something genuine and spin it…

Got to get this off my chest,

I've learned today from my supervisor that my name is coming in conversations and things are being thrown out there which is making many of my coworkers giving me the cold shoulder.

Initially I was having a conversation with a co-worker about indigenous people and the way they are treated in Canada. During the conversation I asked “why does the Canadian government give out money to indigenous people up north?” My question was in fact genuine and was never too insult or be “racist” but to actually learn and have a deep conversation about the issue.

Well apparently, my question bothered people in the workplace and it was viewed as an insult. I am being gossip on how I am a far right radical, I am anti indigenous, I am racist…ect

I am angry that someone would take something genuine and spin it around into something negative and use it too create drama and a toxic atmosphere towards me. Now I often get the cold shoulder treatment, the looks, many avoid even talking to me and at worst it made it too my boss.

I am so grateful my boss is a very neutral person and always likes to hear from both sides before making a judgment. But I am angry and even more because we are counsellors, therapist, social workers…ect this type of culture or behavior should never be any workplace but specially in mine because of our field. I don't what to do anymore. I am kind, I am the least judgemental person and open to anything if people get to know me.

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