
Colleague called me “a fucking joke” and other verbal abuse at the workplace.

I don't know if this is the right place to put this, but I wanted some advice on what to do as I receive verbal abuse from colleagues on a daily basis. I've worked at my current job for just under a year now for an engineering company. I'm not an engineer myself but most of my colleagues are. Said colleagues are the ones who I seem to get most of this from. Since ive started ive never really felt welcome, with hardly anyone talking to me unless they need me to do something. But more recently ive started to feel more and more uncomfortable at work. Usually its just people constantly getting annoyed and me and telling me I'm doing stuff wrong in quite aggressive tones, instead of giving me constructive criticism, and occasionally I've overheard them calling me insults like “idiot” under their breath when they think I'm…

I don't know if this is the right place to put this, but I wanted some advice on what to do as I receive verbal abuse from colleagues on a daily basis. I've worked at my current job for just under a year now for an engineering company. I'm not an engineer myself but most of my colleagues are. Said colleagues are the ones who I seem to get most of this from. Since ive started ive never really felt welcome, with hardly anyone talking to me unless they need me to do something. But more recently ive started to feel more and more uncomfortable at work. Usually its just people constantly getting annoyed and me and telling me I'm doing stuff wrong in quite aggressive tones, instead of giving me constructive criticism, and occasionally I've overheard them calling me insults like “idiot” under their breath when they think I'm not looking. But today, it tipped me over the edge when one colleague blew up at me because I didnt know if we had a certain product the engineers use available, saying I don't look after my workspace, and I'm “too stupid” to know whether we need to order it in or not, despite the fact I don't even use the product myself which he was asking for. He then proceeded to say I was “a fucking joke” and stormed off. I'm a bit annoyed with myself because I didnt say anything at all to him, and just let him rant at me. What made it worse was that our manager and other colleagues saw the whole thing and no one even said anything. I just want some advice on what I can do as I no longer feel comfortable at work as this kind of thing seems to be becoming worse and more frequent.

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