
Combining PTO and sick days is cruel

I’ve had Covid for the past week and it just got me thinking about how it’s so incredibly common for jobs to offer PTO in one big bank of hours instead of having designated sick time. It’s the end of the year so I’ve already used up my paid time (2 weeks of time roughly). If I wanted to be prepared for something like this I would have had to not taken basically any vacation all year in preparation for getting sick. It shouldn’t be up to the employee to ration their time like this, everyone should be allowed to take their vacation stress free without the looming worry of “wasting” their days in case illness comes along.

I’ve had Covid for the past week and it just got me thinking about how it’s so incredibly common for jobs to offer PTO in one big bank of hours instead of having designated sick time. It’s the end of the year so I’ve already used up my paid time (2 weeks of time roughly). If I wanted to be prepared for something like this I would have had to not taken basically any vacation all year in preparation for getting sick. It shouldn’t be up to the employee to ration their time like this, everyone should be allowed to take their vacation stress free without the looming worry of “wasting” their days in case illness comes along.

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