
Coming back from vacation

My job doesn’t have a backup even tho I’ve asked for one numerous times. I’m coming back to work after having a week off and just dreading the weeks it’s going to take to unbury myself. Especially bc this vacation wasn’t the greatest-I hosted family which tbh sucks-and now I’m dreading going back to a pile of work. I’m trying not to worry about it and think of how they treat me like shit and therefore I shouldn’t care about my workload but still I do.

My job doesn’t have a backup even tho I’ve asked for one numerous times. I’m coming back to work after having a week off and just dreading the weeks it’s going to take to unbury myself. Especially bc this vacation wasn’t the greatest-I hosted family which tbh sucks-and now I’m dreading going back to a pile of work. I’m trying not to worry about it and think of how they treat me like shit and therefore I shouldn’t care about my workload but still I do.

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