
Commercial Real Estate…does my industry suck or do all office jobs suck?

Hey guys so I am in the commercial real estate industry and hate my current job. It’s soul-sucking, boring, stressful, and unmotivating. All of my jobs in commercial real estate have been like that, I’ve done sales jobs etc and I hated them all. I am wondering am I doomed to always hate my job? Is there another industry worth exploring? Or do all office jobs (in the US) suck? Ugh I dread every day and have nothing to look forward to. I need to change my life. Does anyone have any suggestions? My degree is in real estate and I am not really passionate about anything. I started making candles on the side but I’m definitely not passionate about it.

Hey guys so I am in the commercial real estate industry and hate my current job. It’s soul-sucking, boring, stressful, and unmotivating. All of my jobs in commercial real estate have been like that, I’ve done sales jobs etc and I hated them all. I am wondering am I doomed to always hate my job? Is there another industry worth exploring? Or do all office jobs (in the US) suck?

Ugh I dread every day and have nothing to look forward to. I need to change my life. Does anyone have any suggestions? My degree is in real estate and I am not really passionate about anything. I started making candles on the side but I’m definitely not passionate about it.

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