
Companies are out of Touch with Reality

Is it just me or are people seeing a sleuth of job postings paying entry level wages yet demanding 3-5 years experience in your field, bachelor's degree and more? I can't get past how obnoxious it is to post a job with a laundry list of requirements and qualifications yet the salary range is something that a waitress or entry level college grad would make. The salary range makes it so that an entry level graduate like me is inclined to apply but the experience they are looking for just does not qualify as entry level. 50k-60k is considered an entry level wage in my area yet the vast majority of companies I'm seeing are offering these wages but requiring years of experience (mismatched expectations) or paying below 50k for experience. The wage gap and experience gaps these companies are advertising is really mind-blowing. Wages are not accounting for inflation…

Is it just me or are people seeing a sleuth of job postings paying entry level wages yet demanding 3-5 years experience in your field, bachelor's degree and more? I can't get past how obnoxious it is to post a job with a laundry list of requirements and qualifications yet the salary range is something that a waitress or entry level college grad would make. The salary range makes it so that an entry level graduate like me is inclined to apply but the experience they are looking for just does not qualify as entry level. 50k-60k is considered an entry level wage in my area yet the vast majority of companies I'm seeing are offering these wages but requiring years of experience (mismatched expectations) or paying below 50k for experience.

The wage gap and experience gaps these companies are advertising is really mind-blowing. Wages are not accounting for inflation or simple cost of living.

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