
Companies isn’t all about sales!

I got an email saying our Q4 will be happening next month. I don’t want to go but I have to. The last one was pretty much a circle jerk of sales and upper level people congratulating each other. I work in tech and I love my job. I worked my ass off to get the job and I work my ass off at the job because I love what I do and I want a long career in tech. But it pissed me off to see these people and how they think sales is the back bone of the company. And when they do prize give aways, all those circle jerk people are the only ones in the running for those prizes. News flash! You work in a tech company you can’t sell what you don’t have. So you don’t work if the developers aren’t there to make the…

I got an email saying our Q4 will be happening next month. I don’t want to go but I have to. The last one was pretty much a circle jerk of sales and upper level people congratulating each other. I work in tech and I love my job. I worked my ass off to get the job and I work my ass off at the job because I love what I do and I want a long career in tech. But it pissed me off to see these people and how they think sales is the back bone of the company. And when they do prize give aways, all those circle jerk people are the only ones in the running for those prizes. News flash! You work in a tech company you can’t sell what you don’t have. So you don’t work if the developers aren’t there to make the shit you sell. You are not the back bone. The developers, architects, and team leaders are! They are the ones delivering on the shit you promise people. So I have two things to tell you.

  1. When a developer tells you something isn’t possible listen to them

  2. If you are going to make the developers sit through a long boring meeting where you give out prizes,you can either A) put us in the fucking running for the prizes or B) don’t make us attend this jerk off fest and let us get back to coding and making the products you sell.

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