
Companies not being transparent with compensation – what’s the big deal?

I have been actively trying to leave my company for months now to no avail. My company cut my pay by 15% in April and my partner who works at the same company but in a different department got a “market adjustment” raise recently of 15%. I am ecstatic for her, but I would like the same level of love from the company. I was denied a promotional opportunity twice in the span of 4 months for positions I am more than qualified for because of reasons that seem to relate to politics (ie. having the same boss as my partner for 2 weeks even though we work in different buildings and being told “there is no conflict of interest” before I applied, being “too negative” in an interview for saying there’s no work to be done in my current role after a certain time). I interviewed with a new…

I have been actively trying to leave my company for months now to no avail. My company cut my pay by 15% in April and my partner who works at the same company but in a different department got a “market adjustment” raise recently of 15%.

I am ecstatic for her, but I would like the same level of love from the company. I was denied a promotional opportunity twice in the span of 4 months for positions I am more than qualified for because of reasons that seem to relate to politics (ie. having the same boss as my partner for 2 weeks even though we work in different buildings and being told “there is no conflict of interest” before I applied, being “too negative” in an interview for saying there’s no work to be done in my current role after a certain time).

I interviewed with a new startup company and made it very clear I am looking for pay that is $23 or more hourly (with a Bachelors and Target paying $17 hourly, can’t be a big ask, right?). I asked one recruiter, who couldn’t tell me, two managers, who couldn’t tell me, and a HR representative, who vehemently refuses to tell me over email and only will say by phone call, despite the fact that I am very busy in my schedule and am only available one weekday every week.

What is it with all the slime? I just want to get paid fairly for my time and work, and these companies are just so sleazy and are not transparent at all. $23 with a bachelors degree is not asking for much. Just exhausting playing a game of chicken and trying to negotiate these companies for a decent wage after trying to lowball me.

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