
Company claims original offer incorrect 3 weeks later after signing, wants to pay 21% less annually

The company that my girlfriend works for was acquired by another. The new company reached out with an offer letter to officially be employed by them. She was due for a promotion and it finally came with this offer letter. She was offered a promotion with a 30% raise. Now they have contacted her 3 weeks after the contract started which both parties had signed, saying it was incorrect. The new raise is 9% instead of the 30% which is actually less than the minimum range that is listed online for this positions salary. They want her to sign the new offer letter. She will not, and wants to email them expecting to be paid the originally agreed upon rate. She wants to fight back and get paid what she is worth. What things should she say in the email? What other advice might you have?

The company that my girlfriend works for was acquired by another. The new company reached out with an offer letter to officially be employed by them. She was due for a promotion and it finally came with this offer letter. She was offered a promotion with a 30% raise.

Now they have contacted her 3 weeks after the contract started which both parties had signed, saying it was incorrect. The new raise is 9% instead of the 30% which is actually less than the minimum range that is listed online for this positions salary. They want her to sign the new offer letter. She will not, and wants to email them expecting to be paid the originally agreed upon rate. She wants to fight back and get paid what she is worth.

What things should she say in the email?
What other advice might you have?

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