Background I work as a nurse on weekends fri/sat/sun on night shift.
One of the supervisors was texting me about some missed/incorrect charting and asked me to come in and fix it. I live 45 min away so it's not something I can just pop in for. I did come in on a day I was in town. But after that I continued to be contacted about questions regarding a patient, or policy, nothing life and death, all things that can wait until my next scheduled work day.
I sent the supervisor a text asking them not to text me work matters to my cell phone and to use my work email instead. Work matters to me included questions regarding a patient, not necessarily anything with scheduling. It wasn't a problem for me if they wanted to text and ask if I was available for a shift I just don't want to discuss things via text that I should be clocked in for, nor do I want to be thinking about patients on my off time.
I got called in for a meeting because this turned into a problem for the company. I see no issues with them not texting my personal cell phone on my personal time. They have the expectation now that I check my email daily as they say they need to be able to reach me at all times. Let me add I worked for this company at another location and this was not at all the expectation. I am not salary, I am hourly. I can start submitting hours for the time spent checking my email daily but I just see this becoming an even bigger problem.
I'm not really sure what to do.
The manager was also extremely upset that I wasn't available at their leisure for an in person meeting from the hours of 10AM to 130PM. Not that I owed them an explanation but I did explain that 10AM to 130PM was my sleeping time and basically the equivalent of asking me to come in at 10PM to 130AM which is just nuts to do. I told them I need to sleep, it's a physical human requirement. I also homeschool 3 kids and I am in school working on a second masters degree which they were aware of when I hired on. I specifically took a contracted position guaranteeing my hours and shifts but now theyvare expecting me to basically be available 24/7 and apparently not sleep.
I do not have much options for switching companies because of the specialty I am in. I do like the company and believe this is management/department specific. I do not intend to involve HR since I know that will create more problems.