
Company didn’t want to give me Thanksgiving off so i put in my two weeks perfectly to still get the holidays off.

I am a college student. I need to go home for the holidays because it is the only time I see my family and I overall need a break from classes. When I first joined this company they guaranteed my holidays off because I was a student living far away from home. They told me I would always get first pick for holidays off. I requested Thanksgiving off the beginning of October to make sure it was well in advance. 3 weeks before Thanksgiving they notified me that I cannot take the holidays off anymore because the company is growing and they need all the workers they can get. So that exact same day I typed up my two weeks notice and turned it in so i would still get to enjoy my entire thanksgiving break. THEN they still put me on the schedule for thanksgiving. Once I saw that…

I am a college student. I need to go home for the holidays because it is the only time I see my family and I overall need a break from classes. When I first joined this company they guaranteed my holidays off because I was a student living far away from home. They told me I would always get first pick for holidays off. I requested Thanksgiving off the beginning of October to make sure it was well in advance. 3 weeks before Thanksgiving they notified me that I cannot take the holidays off anymore because the company is growing and they need all the workers they can get. So that exact same day I typed up my two weeks notice and turned it in so i would still get to enjoy my entire thanksgiving break. THEN they still put me on the schedule for thanksgiving. Once I saw that i notified every department I knew, telling them I will not be showing up and told them they should have all read my two weeks. Anyways here I am at home not worrying about that company anymore. HAPPY HOLIDAYS
thanks for reading my little antiwork rant <3 never trust a company that guarantees holidays off.

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