
Company forced me to work during interview process

I applied for a job as a receptionist at dog kennel in my area, things were going well with our zoom interview a few nights ago. I was then invited for a test drive at the facility, in his email he spoke of a tour and seeing what the day-to-day looks like at the kennel. He told me the tour would take about 4-5 hours, I thought this was a long time to ask for, but it sounded fine since I was looking to see what this role was going be like. I arrived there at 8am and as the tour started he began asking me to complete various tasks around the kennel, saying they were quite short staffed right now and needed to see if I was a good candidate for the job. So here I was at the dog kennel scooping dog poop, feeding and watering the dogs,…

I applied for a job as a receptionist at dog kennel in my area, things were going well with our zoom interview a few nights ago. I was then invited for a test drive at the facility, in his email he spoke of a tour and seeing what the day-to-day looks like at the kennel. He told me the tour would take about 4-5 hours, I thought this was a long time to ask for, but it sounded fine since I was looking to see what this role was going be like. I arrived there at 8am and as the tour started he began asking me to complete various tasks around the kennel, saying they were quite short staffed right now and needed to see if I was a good candidate for the job. So here I was at the dog kennel scooping dog poop, feeding and watering the dogs, doing the dishes, taking a few outside, not by his side but on my own, as he worked at the front desk. I was very surprised for them to ask these things of me during a tour that I am not being paid for. He offered me the job at the end of the fourth hour of work saying that I did well, and offered lower then the minimum wage I asked for in my application. Is this normal for a hiring process or was I just used for free labour? I would like to send him a email back rejecting the job and my reasons why but I want to make sure I’m justified in this first.

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