
Company Forces me to Work even I have notified them that I am sick.

Hi guys, need advice regarding this one. I have already told my superiors that I am not going to work tomorrow since I am very ill. I told them I can't and even if I did, people at the event will be cautious at me since I have fever, coughs and colds especially when Covid is still an issue. They even called me and asked to still come and told me that they will nudge me early in the morning still. Talk about being shameless. Could anyone help me regarding this matter? What is the proper response to this since I think that they will withhold my sick leave or give an impossible task of documenting or providing an evidence of my sickness. Hoping for your responses. They will be much appreciated. Thanks !!!

Hi guys, need advice regarding this one.

I have already told my superiors that I am not going to work tomorrow since I am very ill. I told them I can't and even if I did, people at the event will be cautious at me since I have fever, coughs and colds especially when Covid is still an issue. They even called me and asked to still come and told me that they will nudge me early in the morning still. Talk about being shameless. Could anyone help me regarding this matter? What is the proper response to this since I think that they will withhold my sick leave or give an impossible task of documenting or providing an evidence of my sickness.

Hoping for your responses. They will be much appreciated. Thanks !!!

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