
Company Health Benefits are a Joke.

My SO (Significant Other) started a new job recently. They need medication everyday because they have a medical condition. My SO tried to get some prescriptions filled and learned one of them will cost over $300 with their new company provided insurance. While previously my SO could fill their prescription for $20. And to rub salt in the wound, I lost my job recently. TL;DR: SO can't afford essential medication with new health insurance provided by their new job.

My SO (Significant Other) started a new job recently. They need medication everyday because they have a medical condition. My SO tried to get some prescriptions filled and learned one of them will cost over $300 with their new company provided insurance. While previously my SO could fill their prescription for $20. And to rub salt in the wound, I lost my job recently.

TL;DR: SO can't afford essential medication with new health insurance provided by their new job.

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