
Company just told us we are not allowed to leave for lunch break anymore.

So, I work overnights for a major company stocking shelves. Usually, the manager would unlock the door for us so we could go grab a bite or sit in our cars or whatever. Well, apparently, a homeless guy came in last night and fell asleep, so now, we are being forced to stay locked in the store. We are clocked out. We are not on company time. How the FUCK is this legal!? And it IS legal. This is such bullshit. What the fuck? Isn’t that false imprisonment or something! Work already feels like torture, but at least I could sit in my car for an hour and smoke cigs and pretend I’m not working for a bit, but NO, not now. To top it all off, this is in an at-will state, so there is no recourse. Sure, I could just demand to be let out, but they wouldn’t…

So, I work overnights for a major company stocking shelves. Usually, the manager would unlock the door for us so we could go grab a bite or sit in our cars or whatever. Well, apparently, a homeless guy came in last night and fell asleep, so now, we are being forced to stay locked in the store. We are clocked out. We are not on company time. How the FUCK is this legal!? And it IS legal. This is such bullshit. What the fuck? Isn’t that false imprisonment or something! Work already feels like torture, but at least I could sit in my car for an hour and smoke cigs and pretend I’m not working for a bit, but NO, not now. To top it all off, this is in an at-will state, so there is no recourse. Sure, I could just demand to be let out, but they wouldn’t let me back in and would certainly fire me. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?!?!

Fuck work. Fuck my job. Fuck management. Fuck my boss. Fuck (insert company name). And most of all, fuck the United States of America for not having any fucking labor rights. I don’t think I’m going to come back.

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