
Company notorious for denying time off How do I take it and still be legally safe from being fired?

I requested three days off. It’s not PTO. This was requested 32 days ago. The company I work for is notorious for letting people know the day of if they were approved or denied. I work in patient care and the schedule is based off of how many will be there. They send this schedule out the night before, the company is chaotic and does most things short notice. I’m trying to cover my bases. Most times in the past I’ve been able to call out sick three days in a row but my boss was visibly pissed. I’m not trying to get fired but am willing to put my two weeks in if shit hits the fan. I’d like to lie but the information on what works is all over the place. Funeral leave is generally pto and requires documentation (I don’t really want to do that). What are…

I requested three days off. It’s not PTO. This was requested 32 days ago. The company I work for is notorious for letting people know the day of if they were approved or denied. I work in patient care and the schedule is based off of how many will be there. They send this schedule out the night before, the company is chaotic and does most things short notice. I’m trying to cover my bases. Most times in the past I’ve been able to call out sick three days in a row but my boss was visibly pissed. I’m not trying to get fired but am willing to put my two weeks in if shit hits the fan. I’d like to lie but the information on what works is all over the place. Funeral leave is generally pto and requires documentation (I don’t really want to do that). What are ways you’ve gotten time off and were almost guaranteed time off without much documentation needed? What are the general law/rules for calling sick for three days in a row?(should I just do this again and let my boss be pissed/what legally is she allowed to do?)(can she legally fire me?) I’ve heard about FMLA but this also requires a bit of documents. I’ve really researched and explored the options, very anxious feeling going through this process with no certainty. If I call and leave a voice message saying I will not be able to come in today, with no prior context can I be fired? How do I go about this in a way that can protect myself legally?

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