
Company Offers hybrid return to work…but not for everyone

So my company returned to in person working as of July 2022 and offered a hybrid model (2 days in the office, 3 days wfh) to most employees but not all. All admins are required to be in the office all 5 days (M-F) for no apparent reason, it was just decided as a blanket decision for the position. I’m an admin. I hate the discrepancy but whatever, employer’s choice, can’t really do anything. My anger about this is because of their “Not permitted in the building if you have cold/flu-like symptoms” even if you’re Covid negative. Why I’m angry about this is because this happened to me. I had a bit of a cough, and sniffles. I tested negative for Covid. I get it, no one wants to get sick. So I asked if I could work from home until my symptoms went away and I was permitted back…

So my company returned to in person working as of July 2022 and offered a hybrid model (2 days in the office, 3 days wfh) to most employees but not all. All admins are required to be in the office all 5 days (M-F) for no apparent reason, it was just decided as a blanket decision for the position. I’m an admin. I hate the discrepancy but whatever, employer’s choice, can’t really do anything.

My anger about this is because of their “Not permitted in the building if you have cold/flu-like symptoms” even if you’re Covid negative. Why I’m angry about this is because this happened to me. I had a bit of a cough, and sniffles. I tested negative for Covid. I get it, no one wants to get sick. So I asked if I could work from home until my symptoms went away and I was permitted back in the building. They said no, that I would need to take sick time if I wasn’t coming in. I told them that I felt fine, that I wasn’t really sick and didn’t want to use my sick days. That I was perfectly capable of working but they weren’t allowing me in the building. I then pointed out that every other employee would only have this problem 2 out of the 5 days (of being forced to take sick days in this situation) as they could just easily work from home the other 3 days without a problem, whereas I would need to use up at least 5 days because of both policies (not permitted in the building and not permitted to work from home). They didn’t care.

Just to be clear, for my job, I’m ABSOLUTELY able to complete all tasks from home and this was proven since we’ve all been home 100% from March 2020 – July 2022.

I’m just so annoyed with the double standard.

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