
Company posted a vacancy for my job while I am still working there!

The audacity is off the limits, I am literally fuming.. I am working in a company for 3 months and just passed through my probation period. I intiutively sensed some shit going on and decided to check the job board, and guess what I see? They posted the vacancy for my job, while I am still there, probably in order to replace me. That's what kind of appreciation that I get for overworking literally everyday for FREE, doing the job of other colleagues that wasn't even mentioned in my duties, and other crap. I don't know if I should be quiet or should I bring it to the table? What to do in this situation? Any ideas for a smart sabotage for my benefit?

The audacity is off the limits, I am literally fuming.. I am working in a company for 3 months and just passed through my probation period. I intiutively sensed some shit going on and decided to check the job board, and guess what I see?

They posted the vacancy for my job, while I am still there, probably in order to replace me. That's what kind of appreciation that I get for overworking literally everyday for FREE, doing the job of other colleagues that wasn't even mentioned in my duties, and other crap. I don't know if I should be quiet or should I bring it to the table? What to do in this situation? Any ideas for a smart sabotage for my benefit?

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