
Company retracted on job offer (debatable) with no explanation and then ghosted me

I’ll try to provide as much context as I can, as this happened a couple of years ago. The hiring process that this took, took roughly 2-3 months long. So I applied for a company, good pay, decent hours, etc. I get an interview scheduled at around 9am, at 9:05, they bring me into a room and have me do an aptitude test. It would have been nice if they told me before the interview, but whatever okay. So I finish around 9:30. I then wait back in the lobby for about 10-15 minutes for the actual interview (red flag). Interview goes well, the dude then has me wait in the lobby for another manager (second interview I thought?). I wait for about 20 minutes (red flag 2) and he literally just shows me the warehouse. After that, HR rep then gives me the packet to complete and fill out…

I’ll try to provide as much context as I can, as this happened a couple of years ago. The hiring process that this took, took roughly 2-3 months long.

So I applied for a company, good pay, decent hours, etc. I get an interview scheduled at around 9am, at 9:05, they bring me into a room and have me do an aptitude test. It would have been nice if they told me before the interview, but whatever okay. So I finish around 9:30. I then wait back in the lobby for about 10-15 minutes for the actual interview (red flag). Interview goes well, the dude then has me wait in the lobby for another manager (second interview I thought?). I wait for about 20 minutes (red flag 2) and he literally just shows me the warehouse.

After that, HR rep then gives me the packet to complete and fill out to further process the application. Professional references, personal, past addresses of 5 years, background check info, the whole shabang. So I submit it, and everything checks out. All of my references valued me highly and the company was impressed.

However there was an issue with my background check coming in from another state that I had lived in during the last 5 years. HR apologizes that it’s taking so long (it’s been weeks at this point) she tells me “we’re sorry, we will hire you, we do want you working here”

Confident that I will 100% be hired based on her language, I put in my two weeks at my current job and timed things out so I’d have about 2 weeks off before I start the new job (based off of their time estimation of BC coming in). Background check finally comes in, they submit my packet to corporate for approval and hire. Shortly after, I get an automated email from them saying “thank you for applying but we will not be going further with your application”

I’m distraught, discouraged and bothered. Only two reasons they wouldn’t hire me 1) there’s something on my background that deemed me non-hirable (unlikely, worst thing on my record is a speeding ticket) or 2) corporate didn’t like my resume. Honestly, I’m way overqualified for a job like this but they’re always hiring due to growth.

So I call the HR rep several times to figure out why with no luck because she’s either “on another call” or “not at her desk” I tried calling and emailing for an entire week and she dodged them all. Hindsight, don’t quit your job unless your offer is paper, so my fault there. But I was financially stable enough to sustain myself while I was not working.

If you don’t want hire me, fine, but have the decency to tell me why especially since you said “we are going to hire you”. Am I at fault for anything here or are they just shitty people?

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