
Company sent out last checks after I quit and proceeded to flag one of them as false after I deposited them in my bank account. Out 750 dollars of my own money now as a result, and I can’t help but feel like it’s some form of retribution.

A few months ago, I started a new job at a beauty supply shop, something part time for me to do in between studying. Initially my boss was a very approachable and personable individual who made me feel like I was a part of the family, hooking me up with free food and energy drinks from time to time when I worked. The environment was laid back and relaxed, I was hitting consistently high sales numbers and even pushing a company credit card that no one else could seemingly sell. My manager loved me, constantly praising me and stating how great a fit I was, that would not last long. About a month and a half in, my birthday rolled around and I figured I would call out to enjoy the day. I had mentioned this to her during my interview, but she scheduled me anyway so I figured it…

A few months ago, I started a new job at a beauty supply shop, something part time for me to do in between studying. Initially my boss was a very approachable and personable individual who made me feel like I was a part of the family, hooking me up with free food and energy drinks from time to time when I worked. The environment was laid back and relaxed, I was hitting consistently high sales numbers and even pushing a company credit card that no one else could seemingly sell. My manager loved me, constantly praising me and stating how great a fit I was, that would not last long. About a month and a half in, my birthday rolled around and I figured I would call out to enjoy the day. I had mentioned this to her during my interview, but she scheduled me anyway so I figured it must have been a mistake of some sort.

I reached out via phone but she did not pick up, so I sent a text message instead informing her I would not be coming in that day. She immediately called me back and started berating me over the phone stating that she was bereaving and could not deal with my antics, I would be at the store and that was final. Her screaming triggered a traumatic flashback for me and I regressed into a state incapable of arguing, (not that I'm a very confrontational person to start with) I begrudgingly accepted the terms as I was afraid of losing my job when I needed one most. My manager wouldn't actually come in until next week so I wouldn't have to deal with her until then, I figured that since I showed up there would be no problem.

Unfortunately, that was not the case. Immediately as soon as she arrived I could tell things were different, she was cold, distant, and didn't even greet me when she came in. I started getting the cold shoulder and feeling extreme passive aggressive vibes, something I was uncomfortable with as I had been raised under a similar environment. I asked around and my coworkers stated that's just how she gets whenever we ask for time off, something that deeply upset me since I did not want to go through this every time I needed to call off. This all came to a head when the only ones in the store were me and my manager during closing and I decided that I'd address the situation in an effort to resolve things. I brought up that I felt as though things had changed and I felt uncomfortable asking for help because she'd usually respond in a standoffish manner doing so. Of course, she feigned ignorance but I pressed on until she finally admitted that I was extremely selfish for wanting to call off during her time grieving (apparently a distant family member had passed) and she couldn't help but see me differently now.

It was at this point that I snapped and said that during the interview we had I was told that I was expected to keep personal matters out of work but she couldn't do the same? I understood it was a difficult time but I'm not the reason we're understaffed nor am I an emotional punching bag and would not tolerate a hostile work environment. I think that actually gave me some respect in her eyes since none of the other staff had actually challenged her behavior before, she changed tune and stated that she'd cut back on the unprofessionalism as long as I could continue putting out the numbers I was doing. For a while, things were back to normal but I noticed that there was a pay discrepancy, the first week I worked had never been paid and it kept getting pushed back, on top of this I kept being paid at a rate which was lower than I was told would be. I would go on to bring it up to my manager and payroll, both in which would tell me “it'll be there next pay period.” When the next pay period came, my check wasn't at the store. My manager said she hadn't received it, and to once again call payroll. When I called payroll, all they said is it was new system and all I could do is wait. “The earliest it may come is the next couple of days.” I could understand that, after all, things happen. Still upset because my pay is being delayed again, I ask about the weeks pay i never got. Silence for a few moments and “well your manager should know.” My managers job isn't payroll. That's your job. (All she has access to is to put in our hours.) 30 minutes of being ran in circles I give the phone to manager. She gets off the phone and simply says “it'll be here within the next few days.” I finish my work shift and go home until the next day.. REJOICE my check was there! I go into the back, open it, and it's wrong. So very wrong,
From there being no hours written anywhere on the check, to the pay being hundreds short. That was it, I had it up here with it. Frustrated tears threatening to spill, I told my manager I would be going home for the day. I then sent her a text later that evening stating. “(Manager name) with the events that have been happening involving my pay, I will not be coming in until I'm paid what I'm owed. I understand the potential consequences for not coming in and am accepting of it. Since I have been at this company my pay has been incorrect and no one has attempted to fix it. I have been understanding but I will not be anymore. Fast forward to last week when I finally was able to cash my check. Everything is perfectly fine for the next few days, until Friday. When 728$ of my money was taken out of my bank account. I called my bank and they had explained that “the business that signed that check ended up taking it back, (I think it was called a stop or freeze check.) leaving me in the negatives, saying there was nothing they could do. I have no idea what I should do now.

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