
Company wouldn’t let us work remote even during pandemic, but now that the hurricane is coming we “get” to work remote until its gone….

I like my work itself but fuck me, my company is a drag. Even when people in the office got covid, the rest were expected to show up. Now that we have a hurricane coming, they want us working remote for a few days. If we lose power and cant work remote? That comes out of our PTO. idk if im over reacting but this feels like bullshit. I'm not so upset that we're asked to work during this, but that we're EXPECTED to. I assume this is probably normal but its normalized bullshit.

I like my work itself but fuck me, my company is a drag. Even when people in the office got covid, the rest were expected to show up. Now that we have a hurricane coming, they want us working remote for a few days. If we lose power and cant work remote? That comes out of our PTO.

idk if im over reacting but this feels like bullshit. I'm not so upset that we're asked to work during this, but that we're EXPECTED to.

I assume this is probably normal but its normalized bullshit.

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