
“Competitors pay too much”

I got an email about improving conditions, and one of the opening complaints was “Automotive dealers have a tough time finding qualified new technicians and some simply cannibalize the competition's staff by offering more attractive pay.” It then goes on to talk about how one dealership has found success by having high school kids check out the service department 2-6 hours a week. They have had a very high retention rate of these kids start working for them right out of school, which is fine.. But why not pay your existing techs better??

I got an email about improving conditions, and one of the opening complaints was “Automotive dealers have a tough time finding qualified new technicians and some simply cannibalize the competition's staff by offering more attractive pay.”

It then goes on to talk about how one dealership has found success by having high school kids check out the service department 2-6 hours a week. They have had a very high retention rate of these kids start working for them right out of school, which is fine.. But why not pay your existing techs better??

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