
Complaining about cold weather only delegitimizes the antiwork movement

I follow this sub because I get there are a lot of shitty working conditions out there, and a lot of shitty employers that expect ridiculous things from from employees. In that respect, I get the purpose of this sub and support it. A lot of exploiters (autocorrect changed “employers” to “exploiters” but I’m actually going to leave it…) should fuck right off with their expectations and shitty work conditions. But I see a common thread here recently that I think delegitimizes the antiwork movement… I see a lot of posts here that effectively boil down to “it’s too cold, and I don’t want to do my job because of that”. All I have to say is give me a freaking break. Has it been quite cold in many places in the US recently, yes. However, it no where near as cold as it is regularly in many places where…

I follow this sub because I get there are a lot of shitty working conditions out there, and a lot of shitty employers that expect ridiculous things from from employees. In that respect, I get the purpose of this sub and support it. A lot of exploiters (autocorrect changed “employers” to “exploiters” but I’m actually going to leave it…) should fuck right off with their expectations and shitty work conditions.

But I see a common thread here recently that I think delegitimizes the antiwork movement…

I see a lot of posts here that effectively boil down to “it’s too cold, and I don’t want to do my job because of that”. All I have to say is give me a freaking break. Has it been quite cold in many places in the US recently, yes. However, it no where near as cold as it is regularly in many places where companies stay open and function. People need to put their big boy/girl pants on, dress appropriately, and get the job done.

Do I want to work in super cold temps—hell no. Does it suck, and can it be awful at times—absolutely. But, that’s part of my job, I’m going to dress appropriately and get it done. And, no, you won’t get frostbite if you dress appropriately. I’ve been outside in -30°F temps (temp, not windchill) for 8+ hours without any lasting negative effects if you dress appropriately.

I have SOME sympathy for folks in usually warm areas that go through a cold snap and may not have heavy duty winter gear, but even then, still, layer up 15 t-shirts if needed to get through the cold. It’s easy to stay warm if you plan ahead.

Now, should you get periodic breaks to warm up—absolutely. That’s something I would fight for, but between your breaks, freeze for a bit, but get the job done (or find a different job if that bothers you).

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