
Completely Blind-sided at work today. May get fired when the dust settles

I had arthroscopic shoulder surgery yesterday. Before this the pain I was having due to an accident caused me to miss a few days. I reached out to my HR and was told the absences wouldn't be held against me. I was even told i should get the surgery asap if I thought it would help the healing process. They were actually EXTREMELY accommodating at first. I go into work today to find out I have to get a document filled out and signed TODAY by a doctor explaining my limitations or they will count every absence before or after this surgery against me. I'm not able to get into see my doctor until next week and all other doctors refuse to do it without doing their own examination which I can't afford or get done today. Based on our attendance policy I will most likely get fired and I'm…

I had arthroscopic shoulder surgery yesterday. Before this the pain I was having due to an accident caused me to miss a few days. I reached out to my HR and was told the absences wouldn't be held against me. I was even told i should get the surgery asap if I thought it would help the healing process. They were actually EXTREMELY accommodating at first. I go into work today to find out I have to get a document filled out and signed TODAY by a doctor explaining my limitations or they will count every absence before or after this surgery against me. I'm not able to get into see my doctor until next week and all other doctors refuse to do it without doing their own examination which I can't afford or get done today. Based on our attendance policy I will most likely get fired and I'm freaking out. Does anyone know of an online physician service that would do a form like this?

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