
Compulsory Training

Oh my lord! Kill me! I've been doing mandatory training for work. Why do they find the driest, most miserable human dollar store actors to present these things? Are they trying to make this as horrible as possible? It's not enough that I often have to do these things in my time outside of working hours, they are also superbly irrelevant for my role. Someone's stupid KPI needs them to produce training, they don't do it for passion, they do it to tick some boxes and them we, in turn, have to sit through this torture. I don't even remember what teaming I did last week. All I remember is the pain.

Oh my lord! Kill me!

I've been doing mandatory training for work.

Why do they find the driest, most miserable human dollar store actors to present these things? Are they trying to make this as horrible as possible?

It's not enough that I often have to do these things in my time outside of working hours, they are also superbly irrelevant for my role.

Someone's stupid KPI needs them to produce training, they don't do it for passion, they do it to tick some boxes and them we, in turn, have to sit through this torture.

I don't even remember what teaming I did last week. All I remember is the pain.

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