
Congratulations, you’ve radicalized me

Had an exchange with my wife this morning. She's a nurse and works at a fairly large general hospital. They told her this morning that they're giving her a $2k cost of living adjustment, which works out to be

Had an exchange with my wife this morning. She's a nurse and works at a fairly large general hospital. They told her this morning that they're giving her a $2k cost of living adjustment, which works out to be <3% of her base pay.

A year or two ago, I would have replied “That's great! Nice to see that they're giving you something!”

But my actual response was something like “That's great, but inflation in 2021 was 4%, and its 7% this year. I don't mean to sound like a dick, but if it was really a cost of living adjustment, it would have been like 3k or 4k. Just bothers me when companies act like they're giving you something.”

I know this is kinda benign compared to a lot of the other posts on here, most people don't get anything, but I think that's kinda the point of this post. We feel like we shouldn't complain when we get something, even if its less than it should be, because we could have got nothing at all. But this sub has made me think that we shouldn't accept anything less than what we're worth.

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