
Congress 2.0 What the majority want, period.

Congress 2.0: What the majority want, period. When the people had enough, history communicates change is the result. You can’t help but envy that as a whole we made it this far given the circumstances. It’s just growing pains. Many great changes did make a difference. But ultimately, no matter what flavor of government or style of society you build, the greed virus gets in and breaks it. We are saturated with the greed virus. Day to day is navigating a minefield of mistakes that you must pay the consequences for. It’s like you're on a survival show for entertainment, being tracked has been normalized so this is your Squid Game. Do you feel represented? Are your best interests being considered? Is this life practical to you? Select groups of people have control. Greed ensures they represent their own interests. Regardless of lifestyle, you live this life. You know the…

Congress 2.0: What the majority want, period.

When the people had enough, history communicates change is the result.

You can’t help but envy that as a whole we made it this far given the circumstances. It’s just growing pains. Many great changes did make a difference. But ultimately, no matter what flavor of government or style of society you build, the greed virus gets in and breaks it.

We are saturated with the greed virus. Day to day is navigating a minefield of mistakes that you must pay the consequences for. It’s like you're on a survival show for entertainment, being tracked has been normalized so this is your Squid Game.

Do you feel represented? Are your best interests being considered? Is this life practical to you? Select groups of people have control. Greed ensures they represent their own interests.

Regardless of lifestyle, you live this life. You know the in’s and out’s, what you truly believe you need. What “you” need. You are told you don’t need food or a place to stay. Never mind, entertainment, motivation, self care, relaxation, retirement, none of those things enter into it anymore.

Politics require you to pick a side. Both have good ideas sometimes but none represent your interest. Much like the limited representatives you have to choose from. Coming from a lifestyle that no way relates to your own, to represent what you need.

A couple of days ago I saw an article about Elon Musk speaking passionately about China because the workers are forced to work as slaves. He absolutely loved it. This is what he needs. It’s where we're at in case you haven’t been paying attention.

Reading stories about people struggling and the higher ups getting the majority of the share. Even if the weather is dangerous you must risk life or limb because that was normalized. Does that represent what the people want? I’m not asking if that’s what the people in control want. Where is the proportionate support for contribution?

The news is only portrayed the way the select person(s) needs, regardless of fact. The purchaser or owner requires you to invest in that context. “No one wants to work” yet “Nobody wants to pay”. Getting by if you're lucky is now the place to strive for. You'd never find something communicated plainly on the news like that. The truth was bought.

The people's rights were sold out from under them. Bait and switches, redefining meaning of words daily like “unlimited”. Arbitration agreements for most purchases or services giving away your rights. The choice is an illusion, if you refuse then you're denied. More control on what they need. Anything that wasn’t covered they are allowed to change policy per the agreement.

Companies hold the economy so the government won’t touch them. Worse, the people fighting for you will capitalize. “Let's give them a fine so it looks like we're doing something”. The XX million dollar fine was pocket change by comparison to the profits of whatever a company did. But at the same time they got a piece and that's what they need. By the way the government paid back the money from the fine with tax breaks. Excellent Hussle.

Talking and writing rules is just a formality. They will just be circumvented. Examples “if you work full time you have to provide health care” So what did employers do? Kicked people to part time. Rise wages, rise prices. Since then the game has been good PR. “Affordable” acts. But ensure you don’t have access, or be practical to use.

The economic face off is squeezing the people onto the streets then capitalizing with homeless laws when your family is living in a car. Healthcare is a luxury, food often out of reach.

Birth rate is down because this isn’t a practical lifestyle to bring a child into. That’s a conflict of interest of what they need. So capitalize off anyone who is trying to deny them the future they want. That's the context.

The news today is social media for the rich. Taking a jab at us because that is what they need. They can buy congress, what are you gonna do?

You need to flip the script.

Create a secure voting system. What the majority want, period. Full transparency, no single person may provide a solution. Solutions and answers will be collectively voted on as a whole, majority vote wins. No more conflict of interest. Easy to get behind what the people want vs this control group.

What quality of life should a person have in society? Do they have everything they need that’s practical, like being able to see a doctor or a safe place for your family? Is a 800 million dollar yacht worth the pool of resources or would that be better spent on housing? The people currently driving the ship have demanded we pay the price and cut back for their greed.

It what needs to happen or forever continue to beg for permission for basic needs. Anyone can participate, its your system now. Run with it.

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