
Connection between severe anxiety and work

I have been in denial for months….but I started a new company early this year that has been through many big corporate transactions (split offs of business units, and sales of business units). I am an early career person who has been promoted in the industry a lot faster than a normal person would. I was thrown into the fire of that since day 1 on TOP of my normal duties and just learning the business. This place is fast paced and has never ending “fire drills” that come straight from the ceo or chro. I literally get up from my desk to make a meal or use the restroom at home, and I come back to slack messages or an email with a “fire drill”. I start work at 8am and typically log off at 6-6:30PM. When I try to do thing after work, I feel obliged to have…

I have been in denial for months….but I started a new company early this year that has been through many big corporate transactions (split offs of business units, and sales of business units). I am an early career person who has been promoted in the industry a lot faster than a normal person would. I was thrown into the fire of that since day 1 on TOP of my normal duties and just learning the business. This place is fast paced and has never ending “fire drills” that come straight from the ceo or chro.

I literally get up from my desk to make a meal or use the restroom at home, and I come back to slack messages or an email with a “fire drill”. I start work at 8am and typically log off at 6-6:30PM. When I try to do thing after work, I feel obliged to have to bring my work phone because the fire drills ALWAYS come late in the day. I hate it so much and I’m seeing that this may be causing me severe anxiety. I say this because I just got back from a much needed vacation and I woke up naturally at 6-7 am energized, felt like I got more out of day, and truly felt rested after a nights sleep.

I never experienced that much peace on vacation because I’ve been in similar fast paced companies for the last 3 years. Immediately when I got back to work, I’m getting flutters throughout my body again, anxious all the time, cannot go to bed at a reasonable hour so inevitably have a hard time waking up to make it to the gym, completed depleted to do anything after work.

I’m writing this out of hurt and frustration that this deemed normal? I am grateful for a career, but how do companies think this is sustainable? I’m beginning to think of ways to break out of corporate or finding a normal balanced company. Any feedback on any of this post is welcomed!

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