
Consider this: an economic agent X sells a product. X has competitors Y and Z in the free market. X, Y and Z decide to form an oligopoly to artificially raise their prices. Here’s the twist:

When companies do it, that's a cartel. They essentially create a monopoly and control their prices. Think internet providers in America, for example. Almost universally hated. But it WORKS for them. They gauge their prices however they want, and earn billions more than if they were actually competing. If this makes you mad, put a pin on that rage for now. When workers do it, that's a union. Workers collectively agree to raise their prices, which means they artificially earn more. Remember that rage from before? Over oligopolies and the absurd extra spending for you? That's exactly how bosses feel about unions. That's the driving force behind union-busting. Understanding this is crucial to any labor movement. (If only we fought those oligopolies with the same fierceness that companies fight unions… but I digress.) What I want to say is: know that what works for companies also work for laborers, because…

When companies do it, that's a cartel. They essentially create a monopoly and control their prices. Think internet providers in America, for example. Almost universally hated. But it WORKS for them. They gauge their prices however they want, and earn billions more than if they were actually competing. If this makes you mad, put a pin on that rage for now.

When workers do it, that's a union. Workers collectively agree to raise their prices, which means they artificially earn more. Remember that rage from before? Over oligopolies and the absurd extra spending for you? That's exactly how bosses feel about unions. That's the driving force behind union-busting. Understanding this is crucial to any labor movement. (If only we fought those oligopolies with the same fierceness that companies fight unions… but I digress.)

What I want to say is: know that what works for companies also work for laborers, because it's the exact same principle. Do they play a dirty game? Well, we can play it too. It's a free market after all.

Fucking unionize, people. It WORKS.

In fact, if someone good with advertising could summarize all this into a slogan and spread it, that would do wonders for the movement. Knowing the mechanism is the first step of fixing it.

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