
Construction work hours are terrible and it needs to stop

I know I am lucky to make as much an hour as I do, but the hours in this industry are blood sucking and I don’t need or want them. 5-12’s and 8 on Saturday and you are lucky if it isn’t worse. Every day I have an existential crisis that I’m wasting my life. Most of the guys you work with always ask “Well what else are you going to do with your time?” Literally anything else! Another favorite is “I wish I had your money!” Actually you do, but you “needed” a $80k pickup truck because you spend 3 hours a day driving to and from work in it…..

I know I am lucky to make as much an hour as I do, but the hours in this industry are blood sucking and I don’t need or want them. 5-12’s and 8 on Saturday and you are lucky if it isn’t worse. Every day I have an existential crisis that I’m wasting my life. Most of the guys you work with always ask “Well what else are you going to do with your time?” Literally anything else! Another favorite is “I wish I had your money!” Actually you do, but you “needed” a $80k pickup truck because you spend 3 hours a day driving to and from work in it…..

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