
contemplating if this part time job is worth being exhausted for.

So I picked up a tutoring job 16 days ago. The first 7 days were great. I had a raise after 7 days of work, the boss “promised” me a bonus check on 09/23. I thought “okay, that's fine, I can tough it out until that day”. But that day came, and I wasn't given this bonus check. I asked boss if the “raise” was the extra pay. She said yes. However, she wrote it in text. I'm thinking I should fight for it, based on the stories I have read here. Personally, I already feel burnout, and it hasn't been a month yet. I saved a 3 year old child from severe injury in the aftercare center 2 days ago. I tutor 6 1st and 2nd graders, but 4 of them have learning disabilities. Their learning level is of a kindergarten level. I feel it's not worth it being…

So I picked up a tutoring job 16 days ago. The first 7 days were great. I had a raise after 7 days of work, the boss “promised” me a bonus check on 09/23. I thought “okay, that's fine, I can tough it out until that day”.
But that day came, and I wasn't given this bonus check. I asked boss if the “raise” was the extra pay. She said yes. However, she wrote it in text. I'm thinking I should fight for it, based on the stories I have read here.
Personally, I already feel burnout, and it hasn't been a month yet. I saved a 3 year old child from severe injury in the aftercare center 2 days ago. I tutor 6 1st and 2nd graders, but 4 of them have learning disabilities. Their learning level is of a kindergarten level. I feel it's not worth it being paid $20 / hour, 20 hours a week.
I posted this here to ask for opinions. What do you all think? I haven't quit my old job, so I can go back to that for the same hours, but $2 less per hour. But it's LESS stressful.

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