
Contract work after being laid off

I have been employed with this company for about 1 year and in fact this week would of been my 1 year anniversary. However last week I was caught in corporate restructuring and I was laid off. Now fast track to yesterday day I get an email from work asking me to work for 2 and half weeks as a contractor because of a co-worker is leaving for vacation and have no coverage for that time period. We were a small department and now it’s even smaller. I feel so used here because I was laid off to save money and now they want me to come back so they have coverage. It makes no sense to lay someone off who makes less and now wants to come back with a higher wage.

I have been employed with this company for about 1 year and in fact this week would of been my 1 year anniversary. However last week I was caught in corporate restructuring and I was laid off. Now fast track to yesterday day I get an email from work asking me to work for 2 and half weeks as a contractor because of a co-worker is leaving for vacation and have no coverage for that time period. We were a small department and now it’s even smaller.

I feel so used here because I was laid off to save money and now they want me to come back so they have coverage. It makes no sense to lay someone off who makes less and now wants to come back with a higher wage.

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